Final video for TV and VOD.

The brief for this project was to create a 20 second graphic led TV advert to promote DIY company B&Q's trading event which focused on their key message: 3 for 2 on all interior & exterior paint and 20% off outdoor plants. The video had to follow the client's brand master trading template and find a way to creatively blend together the paint and plant categories.
I created the storyboard, working alongside the copywriters at Five by Five as they developed the voice over script.


You might spot that some of the scenes in the storyboard are different from the final video. This is because rather than revising the storyboard multiple times, some client amends were implemented during production, and other changes were requested after the first draft was viewed, most noticeably the repetition of the paint pot + flower bloom transition which the client liked so much they wanted it repeated at the end!

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