Final video for TV and VOD.

The brief for this project was to create a 20 second graphic led TV advert to promote DIY company B&Q's trading event which focused on their key message: 25% off garden furniture, BBQ’s and outdoor play. The video had to follow the client's brand master trading template and feature cut-out nominated products in addition to a full-bleed in-situ image.
I kept all this in mind when creating the storyboard, working alongside the copywriters at Five by Five as they developed the voice over script.


Storyboard frames from the alternative creative route.

I wanted the products to work in combination with non-products to help the viewer visualise their perfect summer outdoor space. I offered two creative routes for B&Q to choose from: in one, a jumble of products and related items would appear to be in a constant state of falling, floating around the offer title. In another, the items would fall from the top of the screen and land on the 'floor', creating a more grounded scene.
The client went with the second route.
Animating the items to look like they were falling in a realistic looking way was a fun challenge, and I think the finishing touches on some of the scenes really bring it all together, for example, the little splash as the straw lands in the glass, and the sizzling sound effect as the sausages hit the BBQ.  

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